On The Road To Find
Taiwan Values And My Identity
「My Taipei, Then and Now」
Documentary movie / 60min Photography, Book
JAPAN - Typography Association Student Division Selected 2021
JAPAN - 「My Taipei, Then and Now」 Roppongi AXIX Gallery 2020.2.20-25
US New York - Mika Bushwick Gallery Solo Photo Exhibition 2022.8.24-9.6
「昼間映画館-私と彼女の台北 台湾価値を訪ねる道へ」
今回の作品は「私は誰」そして「出身は何処」から軸として回っています。なぜ、自分の国から離れると、前見たことがないことが見えるのでしょうか。もしかして、自分は昔から自分が育った土地のことを何も知らないのでは? 2ヶ月に渡る400シーン以上のドキュメンタリーと一連フイルムの写真を撮る思い出の旅を経て、「台北」の街をより深く理解し、「リンズーチー 」の成長模様をより深い認識ができました。ドキュメンタリー「昼間映画館:私と彼の台北」台北の天母、双連、淡水、新店など、昔から住んでいた場所を訪れ、日の出から日没まで記録されたシーン。懐かしき人々そして出合った事のない人々を通じて、其れが現時点では私の記憶のシーンに住んでいる人々の軌跡、台湾の価値と自分の存在意義を再発見し、台北の昔と今を述べている60分間のドキュメンタリー。
This work revolves around the questions "Who am I?" and "Where am I from?". When I returned to Taiwan after living abroad for so long, I was reminded of the beauty of Taiwan that I had taken for granted when I was still living there. Over the course of two months in Taiwan, I took over 400 videos and photos to create a documentary and a series of photographs documenting a memorable journey which gave me a deeper understanding of both Taipei and myself. My documentary "My Taipei, Then and Now" shows scenes recorded from places where I used to live, such as Tianmu, Shuanglian, Tamsui and Xindian in Taipei. I am at the same time revisiting the past but also rediscovering the present moment in the same location. The audience accompanies me on my journey of rediscovering the Taiwanese identity, the meaning of my existence, and the past and present Taipei.

See The World From a
Designer’s Perspective
「colors of the world」
JAPAN Tokyo - Musashino Art University 2019.6.3-9
US New York - Mika Bushwick Gallery 2022.8.24-9.6
Lin’s designs stem from her philosophy of "design is life, life is design", a philosophy she developed from meeting more people, visiting more places ,come into contact with the wider world from the designer's point of view, and reconsider the beauty and fun of the world. When Lin press the shutter, Lin holding her breath, and the world stops in that moment. She will continue to express an interesting and fantastic world that only Lin can see.
Multi-Brands Food Delivery
「Ghost Kitchens」
Branding Design
POSITION - Art Director
Branding Design, Logo Design, Leaflet Design, Illustration, Web Design, Package Design, Food Coordination, Photography
Ghost KitchensとはUber EatsやChompyなどデリバリーアプリを中心として、フレッシュな野菜や健康食材を使った料理を軸に複数の業態を展開し、皆様の食生活に食べたい時に食べたい場所で食べたい物を食べられる利便性とバラエティーを提供するお店。アートディレクターとして、自社のブランデンブルク開発の提案から、ロゴ、チラシ、イラスト、ウェブサイト、パッケージなど自社グラフィックデザイン全般に携わって、撮影ディレクション、フードコーディネーターまで担当 しました。
Eating is what makes you who you are, and each positive thing builds up your future self every day. Ghost Kitchen offers a variety of cuisines, carefully crafted with fresh ingredients, which can be conveniently ordered through delivery services such as Uber Eats and Chompy. As the Art Director, I headed all project and branding, designed the menu, logo, leaflet,homepage,package, photography direction and food coordination.

WUGEE Taiwanese Lounge and Cuisine
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Branding Design
POSITION - Designer
LOGO, Menu, Package
I was in charge of the branding design for a Taiwanese restaurant that opened in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam in 2020.
World Artists Photography Project
This is a project that provides free photography for artists around the world, regardless of age, gender, or nationality.